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Kids N Skids

Fun skill-building cycling programs for kids

The Kids N Skids Cycling Program is for athletes ages 10 – 15yrs. The goal of the program is to develop basic fundamental cycling skills. learning how to handle their bike in many situations; while accelerating, decelerating, over obstacles, under obstacles, on an incline, a decline, off camber, through corners and at sudden stops. The best way to develop these skills is by challenging each athlete at their level and at their pace and making it fun with friends!

Current Programs TBD


September Training 2023

Tuesday Strength Dates:
6pm – 7pm

Thursday Rollers/Stationary Dates:
6pm – 7pm

Saturday B-Line Bike park Date:
10am – 12pm

Registration More information

October Training 2023

Basic Strength Training on Zoom

Tuesday Strength Dates:
6pm – 7pm

Thursday Rollers/Stationary Dates:
6pm – 7pm

Registration More information